Justice for Kenneth Chamberlin

May 04

#hoodiesup for Kenneth Chamberlin


On November 19th, 2011 White Plains New York police shot and killed 68-year-old Kenneth Chamberlain inside his White Plains apartment after his Medic Alert bracelet was accidentally activated. Yesterday a Grand Jury declined to indict any of the police officers involved, even though several of them already have a history of brutality and racist behavior. Chamberlin was a Marine veteran who served his country, yet to the White Plains police his life had no value.

There are no words to express the outrage that we feel over this injustice. The Million Hoodies Movement for justice asks you to please join us in letting the White Plains Police Department and city officials know that this will not stand. We demand accountability and justice for Kenneth Chamberlin. Below is contact information you can use to register your Opposition to this racist behavior. Please take a few minutes to let White Plains know that Kenneth Chamberlin’s life matters.

Office of the Police  Commissioner
77 So. Lexington Avenue 3rd Floor
General Information: (914) 422-6400

Fax: (914) 422-6373


Lt. Michael Fitzmaurice Police

Professional Standards

(914) 422-6359


Mayor’s Thomas M. Roach’s Office

 (914) 422-1200


Twitter for the White Plains Police Department.


Please sign our petition demanding justice for Kenneth.





May 03


Stay tuned!


Family of Trayvon Martin Announce Foundation to Combat Profiling Violence

April 30


On Thursday, April 26, 2012, at the West Angeles Church of God in Christ in Los Angeles, CA, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin announced the launch of their foundation in honor of their son, Trayvon Martin, who was killed by George Zimmerman, February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida. The Justice for Trayvon Martin Foundation (“Justice™”) was officially announced at the “Justice™ Trayvon Martin - Los Angeles Rally.” Los Angeles has been the home of a large, supportive and peaceful movement, which made it very easy to choose it as its launching pad. The rally provided a healthy and peaceful forum of discussions geared towards peaceful conflict resolution. The purpose for raising funds is to support the fundamental pillars of Justice™. This is an opportunity for supporters to be a part of this grassroots movement to rid the world of profiling violence.  

Power 106 DJ, Big Boy, hosted the rally. Speakers included Rev. Al Sharpton, National Action Network; Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rainbow Push Coalition; Benjamin Jealous, NAACP; Pastor Jamal Bryant, Empowerment Movement; Benjamin L. Crump, Esq; Daryl Parks, Esq. Celebrity speakers included: David Banner; Paul Rodriguez, Omarosa Manigault Stallworth, Boris Kodjoe, with a special performance by Columbia Records recording artist, Mary Mary. Special guests included the family of Trayvon Martin: Sybrina Fulton, Tracy Martin, and Jahvaris Fulton. Vicky Lindsey of Project Cry No More and families of local slain victims: Anthony Dunn, Oscar Grant, Laura Sanchez, Kendrec McDade and Frederick Martin were in attendance and shown support. Mark Ridley-Thomas, Supervisor; Bernard C. Parks, Councilmember; Minister Tony Muhammad, Nation of Islam; and a host of local community leaders, activists and hundreds of supporters were also in attendance.

“It really feels good to know that a foundation in our son’s name has been established. This is something we never imagined, but then again we never imagined our son taken away from us. But in the event of him taken away from us, it’s good to see something good is coming out of it; so we are very grateful of that. As they said, it’s not a moment, it’s a movement,” said Tracy Martin.

About the Justice for Trayvon Martin Foundation

Justice™ is a non-profit organization that was established, March 2012, to create awareness and action in response to the murder of Trayvon Martin. Justice™’s scope has since widened to advocate for all victims of injustice. Justice™’s purpose is to: advocate for crime victims and their families, enact Trayvon Martin legislation to prevent the inappropriate application of Stand Your Ground principles, increase public awareness against all forms of profiling, and educate youth on conflict resolution techniques.

The Foundation’s focus is on peace and human rights for all individuals regardless of race, political affiliations, religious backgrounds, sexual orientation or gender. Additionally, the Foundation advocates for voter’s power, using social media for effective mobilization, and promoting love and peace. Justice™ does not advocate violence, hatred and laws that encourage it, even towards Zimmerman.

We encourage everyone to get involved with this movement; go to www.justicetm.org for more information on ways you can support this cause. Donations are greatly appreciated.

Website: www.JusticeTM.org

Twitter: @JusticeTMOrg  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Justice-For-Trayvon-Martin/278155035593734  


Million Hoodies Movement for Justice Call to Action on May Day 2012

April 27




On Tuesday May 1st, 2012 citizens from all over the world will participate in a general strike and take to the streets in support of workers everywhere. We join the call to demand social and economic justice for all the world’s people and stand in solidarity with the direct actions meant to target a racially biased global economic system that contributes to human suffering and countless deaths.

The Million Hoodies Movement for Justice supports these efforts and we are calling for those who stand with the movement to bring justice for the killings of black and brown people in cities across this country to #hoodieup on May 1st. May 1st, we dont work, we dont go to school, we dont support the machine. Justice For Trayvon Martin, Rekia Boyd, Ramarley Graham, and the countless others whoses lives have been lost.

Here is a list of things you can do on May 1st.  Let’s put up our hoodies and get into the streets.





Livestream for Digital Town Hall on Youth, Race, and Justice

April 26

Tonight the Justice for Trayvon Martin Foundation will hold a community forum and rally with the parents of Trayvon Martin, along with Reverend Al Sharpton; Reverend Jesse Jackson; NAACP President, Ben Jealous; Earvin “Magic” Johnson; Stevie Wonder; Mary Mary; David Banner; Chaka Khan as well as with community activists and organizers to address the multitude of issues plaguing young people of color in this country.

Click here for the Livestream so you can join the discussion.



Million Hoodies & Occupy Launch New Tool to Track Police Misconduct

April 26

Thursday, April 26th - The Million Hoodies Movement for Justice, InterOcupy and Occupy Technology today announced the launch of a new tool (map.occupy.net) to help track and document incidents of police misconduct, violence, and victimization like stop and frisk.

The new site launch was announed at a rally and digital town hall organized by JusticeTM.org today in Los Angeles and broadcast live via mhoodies.org.

Announcing the launch, Million Hoodies creator and organizer Daniel Maree said:

I am proud to announce that the Million Hoodies Movement for Justice has partnered with InterOccupy and the entire Occupy Movement to develop a new tool that will empower communities to track and identify incidents of police misconduct, violence, and victimization like stop and frisk.

This interactive map, which we officially launch here today, is powered by a free, open source platform called Ushahidi, which means "testimony" in Swahili, and was initially developed by my friend Ory Okolloh, to map post-election violence in Kenya in 2008, and has since been deployed in over a dozen countries tracking everything from disaster recovery efforts in Haiti and Japan to corruption and violence in Macedonia and Middle East, respectively.

It is my hope and our firm belief, that identifying and micro-targeting these hot spots of injustice throughout the country, will bring us one step closer to eliminating them altogether and reaffirming, in real-time, that the people united will truly never be defeated.



April 26 - Digital Town Hall

April 24

New York, NY On April 26th Justice for Trayvon Martin Foundation will hold a community forum and rally with the parents of Trayvon Martin, along with Reverend Al Sharpton; Reverend Jesse Jackson; NAACP President, Ben Jealous; Earvin “Magic” Johnson; Stevie Wonder; Mary Mary; David Banner; Chaka Khan as well as with community activists and organizers to address the multitude of issues plaguing young people of color in this country.

Join via Livestream: http://ow.ly/avOvG



April 11

Thank you all so much for joining the Million Hoodies as we press for justice for Trayvon Martin and his family. I think the incredible outpouring of support and solidarity from around the world has amazed us all. We can be proud that we have raised our voices for justice. Although we are taking on a mighty task, we are already doing great things. Again, thank you.

As we go forward we hope to build a great community of people who are committed to addressing the underlying causes of Trayvon’s tragedy. We sincerely hope that you will join us on this journey. We have made the world stand up and take notice; let’s show them what we can really do with our determination and passion.

In the coming days we will try to fill our website with useful resources, opportunities to coordinate, the latest news, and a sense of community and solidarity. We need your help to make this happen. We ask that you contribute your talents and gifts. The world is what we make it.

Additionally, we will have a decision from Florida Special Prosecutor Angela Corey in the next couple of days, and we need to be ready to act quickly in reaction to her decision. We ask you to be ready to spread information quickly, and to take to the streets in your own communities if need be. We are putting together supporting materials and information for all of you as quickly as possible so we can be prepared.

It has been an honor for us to work with so many people who believe in justice and who have stood up for Trayvon. We want you to know that Trayvon’s family have watched you in action and have taken great comfort from your support. There are many more Trayvons in our country; please do not let your voices go silent.

Please let us know how we can support you. We have a long march ahead, but we are strong.

With much love and respect,

The MHMJ Staff





National Hoodie Day & International Day of Internet Action

April 09

Media Advisory 



Date: April 9th, 2012

 Women, men and children in cities across the countryHoodie Up” on April 10th as special prosecutor Angela Corey decides on whether to indict George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin



Million Hoodies Movement for Justice - Thenjiwe McHarris, 646-696-6537, [email protected]

JusticeTM.org – Michael Hall, 954-765-1474, michael@justicetm.org 

GlobalGrind.com – Michael Skolnik, 914-953-1805, [email protected]

MoveOn.org – Garlin Gilchrist II, 313-444-4342, [email protected]


New York, NY On Tuesday, April 10th the Million Hoodies Movement for Justice is calling on people from across the country and the world to come together to stand in solidarity with the family of Trayvon Martin as they await special prosecutor Angela Corey’s decision on whether or not to charge George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin. 

In partnership with JusticeTM.org, GlobalGrind.com, and MoveOn.org, the organizers have launched www.mhoodies.org, a community-organizing platform to help support activists throughout the globe. They have also called for an International Day of Internet Action for Justice (Tuesday, April 10th) for Trayvon Martin and all victims of structural violence and institutional discrimination, particularly racial discrimination. 

WATCH: http://goo.gl/pUOVB 

“It is important to continue to bring attention to the case and inform the public of the need to pressure Florida authorities to make Zimmerman answer for his crime,” said organizer Amy Frame.

Activists throughout the world from New York City, to Atlanta, to Los Angeles, to London (over a dozen cities in all) have protested, marched and elevated their voices in an effort to demand justice for Martin’s death as well as call for the reform of laws, policies and practices that will combat structural violence and institutional racial discrimination.

On February 26th Trayvon Martin who was 17 years old at the time of his death, was shot and killed as he walked to his father’s fiancé’s home from a convenience store in Sanford, Florida.

For more information about the Million Hoodie Movement for Justice, please visit www.mhoodies.org

WHAT: National Hoodie Day & International Day of Internet Action for Justice

WHERE: Everywhere (Online & Offline)

WHEN:  Tuesday, April 10th 2012


Tuesday4Trayvon: Online Day of Action

April 09

Tuesday, April 10th is the day activists across the country will band together as one voice to advocate for justice on behalf of Trayvon Martin and his family. With the special prosecutor set to decide on an indictment of Travyon's killer, George Zimmerman, it is important to continue to bring attention to the case and inform the public of the need to pressure Florida authorities to make Zimmerman answer for his crime.


Million Hoodies Movement for Justice
#millionhoodies #hoodiesup